ITW 2016

IEEE Information Theory Workshop

2016, Cambridge, UK

David_MacKay.jpg It is with great sadness that we share the news that David MacKay, General Chair of ITW 2016, lost his battle against cancer and passed away on the 14 April 2016. There is an announcement on the IT society website and an obituary here.


The IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) covers all topics broadly related to information theory. In addition to its traditional scope, the 2016 edition will also focus on the intersections of information theory, machine learning, and compressed sensing. The conference will take place at Robinson College, the youngest of the Cambridge colleges founded in 1979, offering modern dedicated conference facilities in a cosy residential setup and easy access to the sights and attractions in central Cambridge that lie within a 10 minutes walk of the college.

Important Dates:

  • Final Paper Submission: 31 July 2016
  • Registration opens next week
  • Early Registration reduced fees: 15 July 2016

We look forward to welcoming you in Cambridge on September 11 to 14, 2016.

The conference chairs.

You may want to also attend the following events around ITW 2016:

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