Information for Authors

If you wish to submit a paper for presentation at ITW 2016, please
follow the link to the EDAS paper submission server.
Submitted papers should be of sufficient detail to allow for review by experts in the field. Researchers working in emerging fields of information theory or on novel applications of information theory are especially encouraged to submit original findings.
Authors are encouraged to use LaTex to format their final manuscripts, using the standard IEEE conference specifications:
The paper is limited to 5 pages in standard IEEE conference format. Manuscripts longer than 5 pages will be rejected without review. If full proofs cannot be accommodated due to space limitations, authors are encouraged to post a publicly accessible complete paper elsewhere and to provide a specific reference. Manuscripts should use font size no smaller than 10 points, and have reasonable margins on all 4 sides of the text. The top and bottom margins should be at least 0.5 inches to leave room for page numbers. All fonts should be embedded in the PDF file.
Please make sure that the submitted PDF documents:
- have no more than FIVE pages,
- have all used fonts embedded and subset,
- have no content written in the margins, and
- have page numbers omitted.