internal package Foswiki::Contrib::MailerContrib

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internal package Foswiki::Contrib::MailerContrib

Package of support for extended WebNotify notification, supporting per-topic notification and notification of changes to children.

Also supported is a simple API that can be used to change the WebNotify topic from other code.

StaticMethod mailNotify($webs, $verbose, $exwebs, $nonewsmode, $nochangesmode)

  • $webs - filter list of names webs to process. Wildcards (*) may be used.
  • $verbose - true to get verbose (debug) output.
  • $exwebs - filter list of webs to exclude.
  • $nonewsmode - the notify script was called with the -nonews option so we skip news mode
  • $nochangesmode - the notify script was called with the -nochanges option

Main entry point.

Process the WebNotify topics in each web and generate and issue notification mails. Designed to be invoked from the command line; should only be called by mailnotify scripts.

StaticMethod changeSubscription($web, $who, $topicList, $unsubscribe)

Modify a user's subscription in WebNotify for a web.

  • $web - web to edit the WebNotify for
  • $who - the user's wikiname
  • $topicList - list of topics to (un)subscribe to(from)
  • $unsubscribe - false to subscribe, true to unsubscribe

isSubscribedTo ($web, $who, $topicList) -> boolean

Returns true if all topics mentioned in the $topicList are subscribed to by $who.

Can ignore all valid special characters that can be used on the WebNotify topic such as NewsTopic! , TopicAndChildren (2)

parsePageList ( $object, $who, $spec, $unsubscribe ) -> unprocessable remainder of $spec line

Calls $object->{topicSub} once per identified topic entry.
  • $object (a hashref) may be a hashref that has the field topicSub, which may be a sub ref as follows: &topicSub($object, $who, $unsubscribe, $webTopic, $options, $childDepth)
  • $unsubscribe can be set to '-' to force an unsubscription (used by SubscribePlugin)

Topic revision: r1 - 19 Apr 2011, ProjectContributor

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