internal package Foswiki::Configure::PatchFile

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See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

parsePatch($file ) -> %patch{filename}

This routine will read in a patch file and parse it into separate patches.

Each patch file can patch one or more files. Each file can have one or more separate patches matching different versions of the file.

Builds a hash describing the patch file.

  • {identifier} = The patch file name without the patch extension. ItemNNNN-001
  • {summary} = The descriptive text from the head of the patch file.
  • {path/to/target/file}
    • {md5_of_target} = Will match the file version that can accept this patch.
      • {patched} = Expected MD5 of the patched file.
      • {version} = Comment from PATCH record describing the target. Parenthesis removed.
      • {patch} = The patch in unified diff format.
      • {status} = Set by checkPatch to one 3 possible values:
        • "N/A" - neither the old nor the new MD5 matches the file.
        • "PATCHED" - The patch has been applied and the patched MD5 matches.
        • "NOT APPLIED" - The initial MD5 matches, so the patch will be applied

Supports two differnt patch file record layouts:

#             target file MD5                          relative path file         comment
#~~~PATCH fdeeb7f236608b7792ad0845bf2279f9  lib/Foswiki/Configure/ (Foswiki 1.1.5)
#             target file MD5                    patched file MD5                   relative file path             comment
#~~~PATCH fdeeb7f236608b7792ad0845bf2279f9:fdeeb7f236608b7792ad0845bf2279f9  lib/Foswiki/Configure/ (Foswiki 1.1.5)

_getMD5($filename ) -> $digest

This routine will read calculate MD5 of the passed filename.

_fixupFile($filename ) -> $filename

This routine will determine the fosiki filname from a patch filename.

updateFile($file, $patch, $reverse )

This routine will update the filea and rewrite it into its original location, preserving permissions. If $reverse is true, the reverse of the diff is calculated, and the patch is removed.

checkPatch($file ) -> $messages

This routine will read in a patch hash, determine which patches are applicable for the system, or have already been applied. It will update the {status} field for each patch version, assigning one of 3 possible status.

(Note that for old style patch records, the "PATCHED" status can not be determined. Patched files will be reported as "N/A").

Each patch file can patch one or more files. Each file can have one or more separate patches matching different versions of the file.

Builds a hash describing the patch file.

  • {identifier} = The patch file name without the patch extension. ItemNNNN-001
  • {summary} = The descriptive text from the head of the patch file.
  • {path/to/target/file}
    • {md5_of_target} = Will match the file version that can accept this patch.
      • {patched} = Expected MD5 of the patched file.
      • {version} = Comment from PATCH record describing the target. Parenthesis removed.
      • {patch} = The patch in unified diff format.
      • {status} = Set by checkPatch to one 3 possible values:
        • "N/A" - neither the old nor the new MD5 matches the file.
        • "PATCHED" - The patch has been applied and the patched MD5 matches.
        • "NOT APPLIED" - The initial MD5 matches, so the patch will be applied

The returned patch summary report:

Patch target MD5SUM Status Applies to
$key $md5 $match $patchRef->{$key}{$md5}{version}

_fixRoot -> $filepath

This routine will determine the root of the foswiki installation by working backwards from the DataDir setting.

This is copied from Foswiki::Configure::Package.

applyPatch($root, \%patchref, $reverse ) -> $messages

This routine will process the patch hash, and apply every applicable patch in the hash.

If the $reverse flag is passed, then the patches will be rmoved from the system.

reverseDiff($diff ) -> $diff

Uses the algorithm discussed in to reverse the patch to "undo" a previous patch.

backupTargets($root, \%patchref, $reverse ) -> $messages

Examine the patch and create a backup of all files that will be modified by the patch. If a file doesn't match, or has already been previously patched, it will not be backed up. The file needs to be in status "NOT APPLIED"

If the $reverse flag is set, then "PATCHED" files will be backed up rather that "NOT APPLIED" files.

The backup is written to the working/configure/backup directory.

  • working/configure/backup/
    • ItemNNNN-NNN-yyyymmdd-hhmmss/
      • full path to each file being backed up

The backup directory will be archived to either .tgz or .zip format, depending upon the tools avaliable on the system. If no archive tool is found the directory will be left as is.

Topic revision: r1 - 19 Apr 2011, ProjectContributor

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