---++ Registration Registration will open in a few days. The following registration fees are indicative and may be slightly adjusted when registration opens as we finalise the conference costs and likely participant numbers: | __Early Registration fees (by 30 June)__ | | __Residential__ | | __Non-Residential__ | | *IEEE and IT Society Member* | | *£580* | | *£380* | | IEEE member (non ITSoc) | | £680 | | £480 | | non-member | | £700 | | £500 | | | | | | | | *Student & Life IEEE ITSoc Member* | | *£430* | | *£230* | | Student non-member | | £530 | | £330 | <br> The non-residential fee includes: * *Welcome reception* on 11 September * Welcome package * Access to online proceedings (USB proceedings only upon request) * *Lunches on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday* * All coffee/tea breaks * Walking and punting excursion on 12 September * *Conference dinner* at Trinity College on 13 September The residential fee includes all of the above plus: * *Accommodation* at Robinson college for 3 nights, 11 to 14 September (modern comfortable rooms with internet access) * *Breakfast* on 12,13 and 14 September * Please note that the residential option is a package and we cannot accommodate requests for longer or shorter stays. You may be able to book a longer stay through the Robinson College website. For shorter stays, note that the prices we obtained for you are very competitive and you will be hard-pressed finding less expensive options elsewhere in Cambridge, so even if you pay for 3 nights and stay only 2 booking the package remains a good option. The residential option is limited in numbers so please book early if you wish to stay at the conference location. There may be a possibility to accommodate couples in twin rooms at Robinson College but we have only reserved single rooms currently. Please email us if you wish to come with your partner. Families with children cannot be accommodated under the "residential option" but we will be happy to suggest and help find alternative accommodation for those of you coming with kids! ---+++ *IEEE and IEEE Information Theory Society member fees* It is a requirement for IEEE conferences to apply differentiated participation fees for members and student members. We cannot in general make any exceptions to this rule, and membership status will be checked at registration time to ensure compliance. However, since the technical program for ITW 2016 is targeted towards the interface between Information Theory and related disciplines (Statistics, Machine Learning, Sparsity, Compressed Sensing and Radar), we are prepared to grant reduced member's fees for participants fulfilling the following description: * Active member of the research community in one of the related disciplines we are targeting * No prior activity within the information theory community. <p>If you believe you fit this description, please <a href="mailto:js851@cam.ac.uk">contact the general chairs</a> prior to registration to request a reduced registration fee. The chairs will grant reductions on a case-by-case basis taking IEEE and society interest into account. Their decision is final and cannot be appealed. Please note that we will not grant reduced fees to students as the IEEE is particularly keen for students to become members, and the student membership fees are very good value.</p> ---+++ *Invitation Letters for Visa Applications* If you need an invitation letter to support a visa application, please register first, then send an email to [[mailto:div-f@eng.cam.ac.uk][div-f@eng.cam.ac.uk]] with the following information about your travel plans: * Full name as in passport * Date of birth * Passport number and nationality * Dates of travel
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