Technical Programme

Please click on the following links to access

(the latter are password protected and participants will be given credentials to access them before the workshop.)

The plenary speakers are confirmed:

All talks will be held in the Auditorium lecture theatre and in the Umney Theatre at Robinson College.

Social Programme

  • The welcome reception will take place at Robinson College starting at 19:00 on Sunday, 11 September 2016. Drinks and a selection of finger food from the Robinson kitchens will be provided. The finger food on order is substantial so we don’t believe you need to make dinner plans for that evening, unless you are very very hungry. Please note that the registration desk will be open from about 17:30 on Sunday and throughout the welcome reception, so you can collect your badge and conference materials upon your arrival.

  • The walking and punting excursion is included in your registration, and will take place on Monday, 12 September 2016 starting at 17:50. The meeting point is the workshop registration desk at Robinson College. This will consist of a guided walking tour of Cambridge and a short outing on a chauffeured boat known as a “punt” on the River Cam. NO MEAL WILL BE PROVIDED. The tour will end in central Cambridge where there is a choice of good restaurants. We will provide a list of recommendations for your convenience. It is a 10 minute walk back from central Cambridge to Robinson College. A map of the town will also be included at the back of your printed programme.

  • The workshop dinner will take place on Tuesday, 13 September 2016, starting at 18:30 at Trinity College. You can make your own way to Trinity College, or we will have a guided walk from Robinson College gate starting at 18:20. Note that there are two colleges in Cambridge called “Trinity Hall" and “Trinity College", and our dinner is at "Trinity College". We will start by a drinks and canapés reception in the outdoor cloisters of Neville Court during sunset, and then move to the Great Hall for a traditional college dinner starting at 19:30.

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
466.jpgjpg 466.jpg manage 8.4 K 31 Dec 2014 - 14:26 UnknownUser Robinson Ausitorium 1
TrinityGreatHall_sml.pngpng TrinityGreatHall_sml.png manage 211.5 K 31 Dec 2014 - 14:35 UnknownUser Great Hall of Trinity College
Trinity_Great_Hall.pngpng Trinity_Great_Hall.png manage 698.7 K 31 Dec 2014 - 14:29 UnknownUser Great Hall of Trinity College
techprogfinal.pdfpdf techprogfinal.pdf manage 174.1 K 04 Sep 2016 - 20:35 UnknownUser  
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