Local Information


All the talks will happen at Robinson College in the Auditorium and in the JCR seminar room. Coffee breaks and lunches will be served in the main dining hall of the College or in the Garden restaurant.

Robinson College is located at Grange Road in Cambridge, and is on the Uni-4 bus route, but, when arriving by train, it is necessary to get another bus from the railway station to the central bus station first. It is easiest to get a taxi direct from Cambridge railway station to Robinson College.

The workshop dinner will be held on Tuesday September 13th at Trinity College in central Cambridge, which is located approximately 10 minutes walk to the east of Robinson College.

Getting to Cambridge

Cambridge is only 60 miles (100 km) north from central London. There are frequent (two per hour) direct train connections between London Kings Cross station and Cambridge station, and the trip takes 50 to 55 minutes. There are also train services once per hour direct from London Stansted airport to Cambridge - journey time 30 minutes. London Kings Cross station is adjacent to London St Pancras station (5 minutes walk) which is the terminus for Eurostar trains from Paris, Lille and Brussels - journey times 2 to 2.5 hours via the Channel Tunnel.

There are train and bus services from all the other London airports (Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton and City) but journey times can be quite a lot longer than from Stansted. Trains are usually quicker than buses, but will involve one or more connections. See http://www.thetrainline.com for detailed train information and bookings, and http://www.nationalexpress.com for buses.

Accomodation (Robinson College or Hotels)

Limited accomodation has been reserved for ITW2016 attendees at Robinson College and will be priced significantly below that of typical hotels in the Cambridge area. Please see the video at the Robinson College conference website for lecture theatre, catering and accomodation details. Rooms at Robinson College within our reserved quota can be booked during registration.

You can book a room in any Cambridge college through the Conference Cambridge website. Some colleges are very close to Robinson college (Clare Hall, Selwyn), some are a within 15-20 minute walk (Newnham, Trinity, Trinity Hall, St John, King's, Gonville and Caius, Christ, Clare, Corpus Christi, Darwin, Queen's, Sidney Sussex, Murray Edwards, Wolfson) and all colleges that can be booked on this site except Girton are within a 20-25 minute walk from the conference location (including the theological colleges that are not part of the university, e.g., Westminster College, Ridley Hall).

There are a number of hotels within about 15-30 minutes walking distance of the workshop venue at Robinson College, which may be booked through websites such as booking.com etc:

  • Double Tree by Hilton
  • Cambridge City Hotel
  • Hotel du Vin & Bistro
  • Royal Cambridge Hotel
  • Lensfield Hotel
  • University Arms Hotel
  • Varsity Hotel and Spa
  • Arundel House Hotel
  • Regent Hotel
  • Gonville Hotel (Best Western)
  • Hotel Felix (too far to walk but 12 minutes by bicycle)

Cambridge is a small city that can be explored on foot and if you need to get around faster, a number of locations have bicycles for hire. Our favourite location is the bicycle shop on Laundress Lane, but there are many more.

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
TrinityGreatHall_sml.pngpng TrinityGreatHall_sml.png manage 211.5 K 31 Dec 2014 - 15:04 UnknownUser Great Hall of Trinity College
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