---++ Call for Papers In addition to 8 plenary lectures and a special lecture by Emmanuel Candes, the workshop features a single track format with 29 standard (20min) talks, 3 highlight (30min) talks, and 3 poster and demo sessions. Contributions (talks and demos) are solicited in one page abstract in double column SPARS workshop abstract format. This year, we specifically welcome abstract submissions for technological demonstrations of the mathematical topics within our scope. *Contributions to the workshop are solicited in the following areas:* * Sparse coding and representations, vector quantization, and dictionary learning; * Sparse and low-rank approximation algorithms: performance and complexity analysis, new methodologies; * Compressive sensing and learning: new theory and methods; * Feature extraction, classification, detection, and source separation; * Sparsity measures in approximation theory, information theory, statistics and machine learning; * Big data applications including but not limited to geophysics, neuroscience, biomedical imaging, array processing, genetics, optics and radar, and feedback control. A best student paper prize will be awarded. Students who wish to be considered for this prize must submit a six page extended summary in single column workshop format as supplementary material. To be eligible, the main contributor of the work must be a student or must have recently graduated from a Ph.D. program (i.e., after SPARS 2013). The supplementary six page summaries will be used to award the prize, and will not be included in the SPARS 2015 proceedings. Submitted contributions should be of sufficient depth for review by experts in the field. The submission deadline is January 13, 2015, at midnight, Greenwich Mean Time. Notification of acceptance is sent by April 22, 2015. Detailed information on paper submission is given in the [[AuthorInformation][Information for Authors]] page.
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